
Dear Members and Visitors,

Welcome to EUROCORD website. Eurocord is a European Association of Rope, Twine and Netting manufacturers, their suppliers and their affiliate industries. As such, we promote dialogue between our members from all over Europe and work closely with the European Commission on our fields of interest.


Eurocord has active Technical Committees, which are focused on the ongoing development of  international standards, guidelines, test methods, and other technical documents for rope, cordage, twine and netting products. 

Technical meetings are held three times per year and all Eurocord members are welcome to attend. There is no charge, except for the registration fee for the annual conference.

Eurocord’s Constitution Act and Articles of Association are available in the Members Area (login)




Cordage Institute The Cordage Institute is an association of rope, twine, netting, and related manufacturers, their suppliers, and affiliated industries. Its mission is to create value for its members by educating product users, the standards writing community, government agencies, and other entities on the proper use of industry products through the dissemination of standards.
Please visit the Cordage Institute’s website for more information:
AEGIS AEGIS Europe is an industry alliance that brings together more than 20 European manufacturing associations representative of the whole value chain, from commodities down to consumer end products. Its Members account for more than €500 billion in annual turnover, as well as for millions of jobs across the EU. This industry alliance, made up of leaders in sustainable manufacturing and social and environmental responsibility, is committed to European manufacturing as the fundamental driver of innovation, growth and jobs in Europe. Eurocord is a member of this alliance.


ISO - International Organization for Standardization is an independent, non-governmental, international organization that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems. Eurocord is an active member of this organization, participating in several committees and holding the convenorship and/or secretariat of the most important ones for its industry.


CEN - European Committee for Standardization is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level. As only national bodies are allowed to be a member of CEN, Eurocord is influential within CEN through related national standardization bodies as NBN, NEN, IPQ, DIN, etc…


CIRFS: European Man-Made Fibres Association is the representative body for the European man-made fibres industry. Europe is the world’s third largest producer of man-made fibres – an essential raw material for many other industries, ranging from textiles to aerospace, from baby diapers to renewable energy. It is a global leader in quality, innovation and sustainability. CIRFS was founded in 1950, as the Comité International de la Rayonne et des Fibres Synthétiques (from which the abbreviation CIRFS is derived). It took on its present name in 2009. Eurocord is a member of CIRFS and sources bi-annual statistics for monitoring purposes.


Friends of Europe is a Brussels-based, not-for-profit think-tank for European Union policy analysis and debate. The organisation, established in 1999, has no political or national allegiance and is independent of the EU institutions. Its declared goal is to foster open discussion and to stimulate new thinking on the issues facing Europe and its citizens. Eurocord has been a longstanding member of this organization.


The Confederation of European Business, shortened BusinessEurope, is a lobby group representing enterprises of all sizes in the European Union (EU) and seven non-EU European countries. Members of the confederation are 40 national industry and employers' organizations. Based in Brussels, the confederation is officially recognised as a social partner at European level, is involved in a range of economic and social decisions and cooperates with a number of stakeholders and business partners. It promotes the interests of corporate citizens to ensure that public policy supports the European economy. It is generally considered the strongest interest organisation in Brussels and represents 20 million companies through its member trade associations in 35 European countries. Eurocord is a member of Business Europe.


The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) is a voluntary association of oil companies with an interest in the shipment and terminaling of crude oil, oil products, petrochemicals and gas. The association was formed in April 1970 in response to the growing public concern about marine pollution, particularly by oil. In the 50 years since, OCIMF has grown to become a leading authority on safety for the global marine industry, and today has member companies and consultancy status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Eurocord participates in the works of OCIMF through the contribution of its members.




Mooring a ship to a berth is a common function for the maritime industry, however incidents that harm ship and terminal personnel still occur. The publication establishes recommended minimum requirements that will help ship designers, terminal designers, ship operators and mooring line manufacturers improve the design, performance and safety of mooring systems. The updated MEG4 represents the output of a multi-discipline working group representing members of various shipping trade organisations, mooring line manufacturers, equipment suppliers, shipyards, and OCIMF members. Naturally Eurocord participates in this working group through its members.



In order to monitor markets, Eurocord sources updated pricing information on chemical raw materials from ICIS and from PLATTS.


EUROCORD represents the interests of the European manufacturers of:
(Active Members) 

Examples of their products can be found below!

  • Fiber ropes
  • Fishing nets
  • Raschel nets
  • Bailer twines
  • Netwraps
  • Sileage films

with the support of: 
(Associate Members & Academic Members)

- Fibre & polymer producers 
- Machinery producers 
- Coating producers 
- Technical and testing companies

and with the co-operation of: 
(Affiliate Members) 

-Manufacturing companies in the ropes and nets business, located outside the EU 27



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